Happy EQ Anniversary.

02 Sep 2023, 17:03
Happy EQ Anniversary! 2 years ago we embarked on our journey to create fun games and combine them with Blockchain since then we saw the release of Blights Wrath (RPG-Hack and Slash) and our NFT marketplace where you can buy ingame items with cross game compatibility. Blights Wrath after its beta phase finished its first season with hundreds of winners. (Stay Tuned for the 2nd Season 1st November 2023!) We became publisher for all games under the EQ ecosystem and are awaiting the beta for XCrusaders (Strategy-Kingdom Maker Game), Alpha Strike (FPS), Apex Assault (Top Down Shooter) and XRonin (Fantasy RPG) World of Equilibrium (MMO-RPG) has the full team´s focus and will bring the first hardcore MMO-RPG. Hardcore: 1 Life if you die you create a new character, this will bring a new never before seen aspect to a MMO and will enhance social behavior (or destroy it?). We are excited for the next years with many more games and announcements to come, bringing Blockchain Gaming to the next level! Have a great weekend! Daniel Gutmann CEO Equilibrium Games